Friday, July 07, 2006


Just had a bible study with my mate Mark. We're basically doing the Christianity Explored talks converted to bible studies. We ate Pizza, watched a bit of Big Brother (that really is a terrible show!) and then sat down and read together. He seemed to respond well and undertsnad all the points. I really hope and pray that he would truely know, experience and come to enjoy God's grace found in Xst. He talked a lot about doing good things but said that he understood that his good deeds could never earn God's favour. That made my heart rejoice...

Here's the bible study notes we used. I wrote these notes in my first year on UCCF staff.

02 Jesus – Why did He come?

a. Jesus came to rescue rebels…

Read Mk 2:13-17.
  • Why are the tax collectors seen in such a negative light?
  • Summarise the teachers objections and Jesus’ response.
  • What's “The sting in the tail” i.e. what is the irony for the Pharisees in Jesus reply.
  • Mark describes two groups of people within this passage: the religious “goodies” and the “sinners”. Who is in most need of Jesus?
  • Summarise the main teaching point of the passage
b. We are the rebels…

Read Mk 12:28-31
  • According to Jesus what should a righteous life look like?
  • What does it mean to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength?
  • How do we match up to what Jesus says about God’s commands?
Read Mk 7:18-23
  • What does Jesus say our lives do look like?
  • Why is this the case?
  • Summarise the main teaching point.
c. We are all in danger…

Read Mk 9:42-49
  • What does Jesus teach us here about God’s response to sin? Why does he react this way? (see also Hab 1:13 and Isa 6:1-5)
  • What is our biggest problem? What is it that causes us to sin? Where does our sin come from? (Mk 7:18-23)
  • How are we to understand the command to cut off body parts in light of today’s study?
  • Summarise the main teaching point. We need help! Heart surgery! Is there a doctor in the house? (Mk 2:13-17)


Blogger Ween said...

Xst? When did X start being pronounced "Chr"?

Surely this reads as zist?

9:34 AM  
Blogger étrangère said...

Since X was not 'ex' but the Greek 'chi' which is the first letter of the Greek way of writing 'Christos'. It's been used as an abbreviation for Christ for a long, long time.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Ween said...

Ok, I stand corrected.

But it still surely would be pronounced "Chist"?


1:37 AM  

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